Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis.
IbPRIA is an international conference jointly organized by the Portuguese chapter, APRP, and the Spanish chapter, AERFAI, of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
The IbPRIA conference features original papers that have not been previously published. They are presented either orally or in the form of posters. The conference serves as a platform for research groups, engineers, and practitioners to share recent findings, algorithmic advancements, and potential future developments in the fields of pattern recognition and image analysis.
All papers that are accepted for presentation at IbPRIA are included in the conference proceedings and subsequently published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: IbPRIA 2025
12th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
The twelfth edition of the Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2025, will be held in Coimbra (Portugal), June 30 – July 3, 2025.
IbPRIA is an international conference co-organized by the Portuguese APRP and Spanish AERFAI chapters of the IAPR International Association for Pattern Recognition..
IbPRIA consists of high-quality, previously unpublished papers, presented either orally or as a poster, intended to act as a forum for research groups, engineers and practitioners, to present recent results, algorithmic improvements and promising future directions in pattern recognition and image analysis.
All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings and will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (to be decided).
In addition, a short list of presented papers will be invited to submit extended versions for possible publication after revision in a journal to be announced. The best paper and best student paper awards will be invited to prepare extended versions to be considered for publication in a journal (TBD).
The following awards will be given at IbPRIA 2025: Best Paper Award (and additional honorable mention), Best Student Paper Award (and additional honorable mention), APRP Ph.D. prize 2023-2024, and AERFAI Ph.D. prize 2023-24.

Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: IbPRIA 2023
12th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
The eleventh edition of the Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2023, will be held in Alicante (Spain), June 27-30, 2023. IbPRIA is an international conference co-organized by the Portuguese APRP and Spanish AERFAI chapters of the IAPR International Association for Pattern Recognition, and it is technically endorsed by the IAPR. IbPRIA consists of high-quality, previously unpublished papers, presented either orally or as a poster, intended to act as a forum for research groups, engineers and practitioners, to present recent results, algorithmic improvements and promising future directions in pattern recognition and image analysis. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings and will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series. In addition, a short list of presented papers will be invited to submit extended versions for possible publication in a high impact journal to be announced. The following awards will be given at IbPRIA 2023: Best paper award, best student paper award (and additional honorable mention), APRP Ph.D. prize 2021-2022, and AERFAI Ph.D. prize 2019-22.
IbPRIA 2022
10th Iberian Conference
The tenth edition of the Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2022, will be held in Aveiro (Portugal), May 4-6, 2022. IbPRIA is an international conference co-organised by the Portuguese APRP and Spanish AERFAI chapters of the IAPR International Association for Pattern Recognition. IbPRIA-2022 is technically endorsed by the IAPR. IbPRIA is a single track conference consisting of high quality, previously unpublished papers, presented either orally or as a poster, intended to act as a forum for research groups, engineers and practitioners, to present recent results, algorithmic improvements and promising future directions in pattern recognition and image analysis. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings and will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series. In addition, a short list of presented papers will be invited to submit extended versions for possible publication in the Springer journal Pattern Analysis and Applications. The awarded papers will be also invited to prepare extended versions to be considered for publication in Pattern Recognition Letters. The following awards will be given at IbPRIA 2022: Best paper award, best student paper award and APRP PhD Prize 2020-21.IbPRIA 2005
Second Iberian Conference
Oradores convidados
We were very pleased to benefit from the participation of the invited speakers Prof. David Lowe, University of British Columbia (Canada), Prof. Wiro Niessen, University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) and Prof. Isidore Rigoutsos, IBM Watson Research Center (USA). We would like to express our sincere gratitude to these world-renowned experts.
IbPRIA 2019
9th Iberian Conference
The ninth edition of the Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2019, will be held in Madrid (Spain), July 1-4, 2019. IbPRIA is an international conference co-organised by the Spanish AERFAI and Portuguese APRP chapters of the IAPR International Association for Pattern Recognition. IbPRIA-2019 is technically endorsed by the IAPR. IbPRIA is a single track conference consisting of high quality, previously unpublished papers, presented either orally or as a poster, intended to act as a forum for research groups, engineers and practitioners to present recent results, algorithmic improvements and promising future directions in pattern recognition and image analysis. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, and will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series. In addition, a short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published in Pattern Recognition Letters, the main archival journal of the IAPR. The following awards will be given at IbPRIA 2019: IAPR Best Student paper award (+ additional honorable mention), AERFAI PhD Award 2018-2019, and APRP PhD Prize 2018-2019.IbPRIA 2017
8th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2017
The eighth edition of the Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2017, will be held in Faro (Portugal), June 20-23, 2017. IbPRIA is an international conference co-organised by the Spanish AERFAI and Portuguese APRP chapters of the IAPR International Association for Pattern Recognition. IbPRIA is a single track conference consisting of high quality, previously unpublished papers, presented either orally or as a poster, intended to act as a forum for research groups, engineers and practitioners to present recent results, algorithmic improvements and promising future directions in pattern recognition and image analysis. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, and will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series. A copy of the proceedings will be distributed to all participants at the Conference. In addition, a short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published in the Pattern Analysis and Applications journal.IbPRIA 2015
7th Iberian Conference
The seventh edition of the Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2015, will be held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), June 17-19, 2015. IbPRIA is an international conference co-organised by the Spanish AERFAI and Portuguese APRP chapters of the IAPR International Association for Pattern Recognition. IbPRIA is a single track conference consisting of high quality, previously unpublished papers, presented either orally or as a poster, intended to act as a forum for research groups, engineers and practitioners to present recent results, algorithmic improvements and promising future directions in pattern recognition and image analysis. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, and will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, Springer LNCS9117. A copy of the proceedings will be distributed to all participants at the Conference. A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published in a special issue of the Neural Computing and Applications journalIbPRIA 2013
6th Iberian Conference
The sixth edition of the Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2013, will be held in Madeira (Portugal), June 5-7, 2013. IbPRIA is an international conference co-organised by the Spanish AERFAI and Portuguese APRP chapters of the IAPR International Association for Pattern Recognition. IbPRIA is a single track conference consisting of high quality, previously unpublished papers, presented either orally or as a poster, intended to act as a forum for research groups, engineers and practitioners to present recent results, algorithmic improvements and promising future directions in pattern recognition and image analysis. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, and will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, Springer LNCS. A copy of the proceedings will be distributed to all participants at the Conference. A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published in a special issue of the Neurocomputing journal Awards Best Poster Paper Award Presented with honor to Angelo Nodari in recognition of the contribution Visual Attribute Extraction Using Human Pose Estimation co-authored with Marco Vanetti and Ignazio Gallo Special Mention Presented with honor to Kasim Terzic in recognition of the contribution Real-Time Object Recognition Based on Cortical Multi-scale Keypoints co-authored with João M. F. Rodrigues, and J. M. Hans du Buf Special Mention Presented with honor to Sean Ryan Fanello in recognition of the contribution One-Shot Learning for Real-Time Action Recognition co-authored with Ilaria Gori, Giorgio Metta, and Francesca Odone Best Oral Paper Award Presented with honor to Jens Forster in recognition of the contribution Modality Combination Techniques for Continuous Sign Language Recognition co-authored with Christian Oberdorfer, Oscar Koller, and Hermann NeyIbPRIA 2011
5th Iberian Conference
Oradores convidados
The conference benefited from the collaboration of three invited speakers: Marcello Pelillo from the Dipartimento di Informatica of Universita CaFoscari di Venezia, Irfan Essa from the School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, USA, and Sven Dickinson from the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for their participation. The work of the eight Area Co-chairs, two for each of the four Conference Areas, was also very valuable.
IbPRIA 2009
4th Iberian Conference
IbPRIA 2009 (Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis) was the fourth edition of a series of conferences jointly organized by APRP (Associação Portuguesa de Reconhecimento de Padrões) and AERFAI (Asociacion Espanola de Reconocimiento de Formas y Analisis de Imagenes). This year, IbPRIA was held in Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, June 10–12, 2009, and was a local joint organization of ISR (Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica), INEB (Instituto de Engenharia Biomedica) and IEETA (Instituto de Engenharia Electronica e Telematica de Aveiro). It followed the three successful previous editions hosted by the Universitat de les Illes Balears (2003), Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica and Centro de Geo-Sistemas of Instituto Superior Tecnico (2005), and the Institute of Informatics and Applications of the University of Girona (2007). A total of 106 manuscripts, from 18 countries, were received. Each of these submissions was reviewed in a blind process by at least two reviewers, resulting in 62 accepted papers, 33 for oral presentation and 29 for poster presentation.Oradores convidados
We were very honored to have as invited speakers such internationally recognized researchers as Samy Bengio from Google Inc., USA, Joachim Weickert from Saarland University, Germany, and Nando de Freitas from the University of British Columbia, Canada.
IbPRIA 2007
Third Iberian Conference
Oradores convidados
We were very honored to have as invited speakers such internationally recognized researchers as Chris Willians from the University of Edinburgh, UK, Michal Irani from The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel and Andrew Davison from Imperial College London, UK.
IbPRIA 2003
First Iberian Conference
Oradores convidados
The conference benefited from the collaboration of the invited speakers Prof. J. Aggarwal from the Computer & Vision Research Center University of Texas at Austin (USA),Prof. L.I. Kuncheva from the School of Informatics,University of Wale at Bangor (UK),and Prof. A. Zisserman, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford (UK).