The Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto Ipatimup - is a private, non-profit association of public utility, established in 1989 under the aegis of the University of Porto. Ipatimup is an Associated Laboratory of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education since 2000.
Ipatimup aims to understand the causes and evolution of human oncologic diseases to:
- Go forward in the early diagnosis.
- Maximize the treatment efficiency.
- Improve the quality of patient's lives.
- Reduce the cancer incidence in the population.
Ipatimup strands of activity are:
- Research on Oncology and Population Genetics, interacting with several scientific domains (Medicine, Biology, Genetics, Pharmacy and Biophysics).
- Development of Human Resources specialized in Oncology and Oncobiology.
- Diffusion of Science, contributing to the population's scientific culture.
- Providing specialized diagnostic and consultation services.